Half Dome Conditions Update: 6/12/2015

The death slabs approach to Half Dome is still wet on the upper sections where the last fixed lines are, and there are fixed lines still in place. (Fixed lines are not installed or maintained by NPS) Earlier this year each fixed line section had a rope with knots and a rope free of knots, ideal for rappelling. This is no longer the case, the lines are starting to move around and be adjusted by climbers. If you descend the death slabs route, you may have to hand over hand a line or two instead of rappel. The base of Half Dome is pretty dry in all of the bivy spots, but the spring is still there and running at a slow trickle. There is a lot of micro trash and water bottles at the base, so if you have space in your pack at the end of the day it would be a great contribution to pack out some extra trash. Bears, ravens, and ring tailed cats are great wildlife sightings, but they know where we like to camp, and are hungry little guys, so please stop by the Wilderness Center and grab the wilderness permit and bear can to camp at the base! Please don’t hang food in Yosemite’s wilderness! Our bear rangers are tracking 3 bears in the Half Dome area that could become a major problem if they start to get food from climbers.

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